Our Mission

We are a community of concerned citizens determined to put a stop to the destruction of our environment, the negative effects on quality of life and the decimation of the beauty that makes Virginia unique.

Our Mission

We want to educate regional and local citizens on current events and community issues such as environmental conservation, education, resource allocation, the future of our community and more. NOVA Citizens association wants to be an accessible, free and well-informed resource for concerned citizens of our community to learn, grow and make informed decisions on the future of Northern Virginia.

“Scott’s Run Nature Preserve is one of only a few nature preserves in the Fairfax County Park Authority system. It is a remarkable place of rare plants and splendid beauty. Yet that beauty is challenged by urban pollution and human destruction.”

Who We Are

As a leading strategist in the global beauty industry, Debra learned the importance of building diversity and inclusion in teams to deliver best-in-class projects. Debra’s 30+ years of expertise in global marketing, consumer research, and design give her unique insight into what people want. Her MBA and certified training from M.I.T. in Design Thinking have taught her the human-centric process to problem solving. Debra is an environmental steward trained by The Climate Reality Project. When she isn’t hiking along the Potomac with her family, she is fighting for truth, transparency and the protection of the Northern Virginia Gateway!

A graduate from the University of Georgia with a degree in Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management with a minor in Environmental law, Brenna is concerned about the future safety of our community from both an environmental and economic standpoint. She has experience working with the government during her time as a lobbying intern and working with UGA’s law school to start environmental activist movements and green initiatives on campus. After living in McLean for over 16 years, Brenna has come to love the beautiful serene nature preserves and hiking trails. She is worried about the abuse of power after constant concern from citizens over 495’s expansion project and is fighting to give the people, and the environment, back their voice.

Debra Butler, McLean VA

Brenna Butler, McLean VA

Who We Work With

Contact Our Officials

  • John W. Foust

    Fairfax County Board of Supervisorse

  • Barbra Favola

    Virginia State Senator

  • Glenn Youngkin

    Governor of Virginia

  • Sheppard Miller

    Virginia Secretary of Transportation

  • Jason Miyares

    Virginia Attorney General

  • Susan Shaw

    VDOT Major Director of Destruction Project