So why does this all matter? Here are some troubling facts to take into considerations….

Why do this?

  • the already degraded Dead Run and Scott’s Run, which are within the study area, drain directly into the Potomac, disturbing and polluting the river and its ecosystem

  • Loss of 118 acres of trees, as reported in the EA, and the fact that VDOT has not proposed any mitigation measures to offset this tree loss,

  • Citizens are relinquishing tax money and toll revenue for 80+ years, and will still have to pay exorbitant surge tolls.

  • The current HOT lanes can cost $18 to travel a few miles, making it unaffordable and improbable for many

  • The above mentioned loss of 118 acres of trees that once provided visual and sound barriers as well as stormwater benefits are scheduled to be cleared to make way for the widening of the roadway, ramps and interchange re-configurations, noise walls, stormwater management facilities, and other structures

  • the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) of the proposed I-495 & I-270 Public-Private Partnership (P3) Program was incomplete, meaning the true impact this project will have on the environment is UNKNOWN TO THE PUBLIC

  • They are being ANYTHING but transparent. By law, the public is entitled to review entire documents in relation to the over 70 mile, $11 billion proposed project, which is expected to have significant negative impacts on parklands, taxpayers, communities, climate, and public health.

  • The Washington Post reports that Maryland and Virginia “will share the costs of rebuilding and widening the [American Legion] bridge, and adding toll lanes for a stretch on either side.” It adds that “much of the project” would be financed through a public-private partnership (P3). This contradicts the governmental promise that the entire cost of the toll lanes and the new bridge would be paid out of tolls and financed by a P3.

  • Transurban’s downgraded junk bond ratings, and their CEO has stated that they will need to refinance USA TIFIA governmental loan interest from 4.5% to 1.5%, essentially giving away our public land to private, foreign entities.

  • Adding impervious surface of the magnitude of these projects will irreparably degrade water quality in our precious local streams including Rock Creek, in the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers and ultimately in the Chesapeake Bay.

  • In the era of climate crisis, making room for more greenhouse gas emitting vehicles on our roadways is irresponsible 20th century planning to address a 21st century problem. We need to implement solutions that move people around our region with net zero climate impacts.

Taking these into consideration there is no reason WHY we should be doing this project. The Virginia Department of Transportation and the foreign private entity, Transurban, will profit at the loss of its citizens. The reason why is that these companies will make money while their citizens, both literally and figuratively pay for it.


Virginia neighbors fight tree slaughter along Beltway


What Is 495NEXT?